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      Spotlight on Investors: University of Windsor Endowment

      The University of Windsor Endowment is responsible for managing endowed gifts to support the university’s mission.  

      As part of its responsible investment practices, the University of Windsor Endowment evaluates investment managers on how effectively they incorporate ESG policies and active ownership into their responsible investment framework. Managers appointed by the University of Windsor Endowment must provide ESG reporting to investors, adhere to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment or have implemented their own ESG policy. To further its commitment towards responsible investment, the University of Windsor Endowment became a UN PRI signatory in July 2020. 

      Responsible Investment Policy

      2020 Annual Report

      Spotlight on Investors: University of British Columbia Investment Management Trust

      The University of British Columbia Investment Management Trust (UBC IMANT) is responsible for the investment of the University of British Columbia’s Endowment Fund, Staff Pension Plan and Working Capital. 

      As part of its responsible investment practices, UBC IMANT requires their external managers to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in investment decision-making as well as corporate engagements and proxy voting decisionsAdditionally, UBC IMANT monitors managers’ responsible investment practices as well as their participation in responsible investing organizations. Moreover, UBC IMANT collaborates with peers to promote ESG integration and disclosures. UBC IMANT became a UN PRI signatory on behalf of the University of British Columbia (Endowment) in July 2020. 

      Responsible Investment Policy

      Annual Report

      Spotlight on Investors: Australian Communities Foundation

      Established in 1997, the Australian Communities Foundation (previously the Melbourne Community Foundation) aims to achieve social and environmental justice by tackling inequality, strengthening democracy, supporting Indigenous communities, protecting the environment and promoting culture.  

      In 2019, the Australian Communities Foundation announced its intention to transition to a 100% responsibly invested portfolio. When selecting new external investment managers, the organization includes ESG considerations in its due diligence and monitors their responsible investment activities throughout the business relationship. Additionally, it requests managers to apply negative screening criteria on tobacco, gambling, alcohol, fossil fuels, anti-climate advocacy, weapons, violations of indigenous rights, modern slavery, pornography, animal cruelty and uranium. Moreover, the Australian Communities Foundation supports resolutions that promote gender diversity, responsible action on climate change, ethical and sustainable business practices and support indigenous communities. To further its commitment to responsible investing, the organization became a signatory to the UN PRI in November 2020.   

      Responsible and Impact Investment Policy 2020

      2019-2020 Annual Report

      Spotlight on Investors: East Sussex Pension Fund

      Established in 1974, East Sussex Pension Fund (“ESPF”) provides pension benefits for employees of the County Council, other councils and public authorities of East Sussex. As at March 31, 2020, they had GBP3.479 billion of assets under management. 

      As part of its responsible investment approach, ESPF ensures that its external managers integrate environmental, social and governance considerations (“ESG”) into their investment analysis and provide transparency through ESG reporting. With regards to climate change, ESPF takes part in collaborative engagements through ESG-related industry groups such as Climate Action 100+ and the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC). To further its commitment to responsible investing, ESPF became a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment in December 2020. 

      Statement of Responsible Investment Principles 2020

      Annual Report 2019/2020

      ESG Statement 2019

      UK Stewardship Code Statement

      Spotlight on Investors: KENFO

      Established in 2017 under the German Nuclear Waste Management Act, KENFO is responsible for funding the costs of the safe disposal of radioactive waste from the commercial use of nuclear energy to generate electricity in Germany and invests the funds transferred to it. KENFO has around EUR 24 billion of funds under management.  

      As part of its responsible investment approach, KENFO integrates environmental, social and governance considerations into the process for selecting investment managers. Additionally, it applies negative and norms-based screening on coal, nuclear power plant operators and the UN Global Compact. To further its commitment to sustainability, KENFO joined the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance in March 2020 and became a signatory of the UN PRI in November of the same year.  

      Sustainability Approach (German only)

      2018 Annual Report (German only)

      Spotlight on Investors: Swiss Federal Pension Fund PUBLICA

      Established in 2006, the Swiss Federal Pension Fund PUBLICA (“PUBLICA”) is the pension fund of the federal state employees of SwitzerlandAs at December 31, 2019, they had CHF 41 billion of assets under management. 

      As a responsible investor, PUBLICA has implemented screening criteria around the Swiss Association for Responsible Investments SVVK-ASIR'S list of exclusions and the UN Global Compact’s principles. With regards to its infrastructure bond portfolio, PUBLICA favors investments with a better ESG profile over alternatives that have the same risk/return profile. With respect to active ownership, PUBLICA actively exercises its voting rights and actively seeks dialogue with portfolio companies on ESG issuesTo further its commitment to responsible investing, the organization became a signatory to the UN PRI in November 2020.  

      Responsible Investment Policy

      Investment Guidelines

      Annual Report 2019

      Spotlight on Investors: Fondation de Luxembourg

      Created in 2008 by the Luxembourg State and the Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, Fondation de Luxembourg now supports and guides donors who wish to make a long-term commitment to the development of philanthropic projects. 

      As part of its responsible investment practices, Fondation de Luxembourg applies negative and norms-based screening on controversial weapons, pornography, tobacco, and countries on which the European Union has imposed sanctions. Moreover, it favors socially responsible investment funds with an ESG label granted by an independent labelling agency, instruments that have a clear ESG focus for index-tracking investments, and investments in microfinance and impact funds. Furthermore, when selecting an asset manager, the foundation reviews their socially responsible investment practices. Fondation de Luxembourg became a UN PRI signatory in December 2020. 

      Socially Responsible Investment Policy

      2019 Annual Report

      Spotlight on Investors: California Wellness Foundation

      The California Wellness Foundation was established in 1990, when HealthNet, one of the state's largest health care and insurance providers, converted from non-profit to for-profit status. The foundation now aims to protect and improve the health and wellness of the people of California by increasing access to health care, quality education, good jobs, health environments and safe neighbourhoods. 

      In 2017, the California Wellness Foundation started to align their investments with their mission and vision. Since then, they have allocated $US 48 million to mission-related investments that provide resources and capital to underserved communities. The foundation’s mission-related investments integrate environmental, social and governance considerations and actively exclude companies causing the greatest harm to underserved communities. Moreover, the California Wellness Foundation committed to invest $US 10 million in program-related investments that target affordable housing or small business lending over the next five years. 

      Progress Report 2020

      Spotlight on Investors: Inspirit Foundation

      Founded in 2012 with the proceeds of the sale of Vision TV, the Inspirit Foundation aims to promote inclusion and pluralism through media and arts, specifically addressing discrimination based on ethnicity, race or religion. Their current strategic plan focuses on fostering reconciliation and addressing Islamophobia.  

      In 2020, 98% of the foundation’s portfolio was dedicated to impact investing. The Inspirit Foundation employs a mix of impact investing strategies, including program and mission related investing in their private portfolio, and positive screens, ESG integration as well as low-carbon considerations in their public portfolio, along with shareholder engagement. With regards to climate change, the foundation tracks its public portfolio’s exposure to carbon emissions and risks.

      Investment Policy Statement

      Roadmap Towards a 100% Impact Portfolio

      2019 Annual Report

      Spotlight on Investors: Swift Foundation

      Founded in 1999 by John Swift, United Parcel Services’ heir and environmentalist, the Swift Foundation seeks to support biodiversity conservation, protection and promotion of Indigenous traditional knowledge and innovations, inclusive and local economies, as well as research that challenges and problematizes technocratic solutions.

      In 2009, the Swift Foundation looked at how they could use their endowment could directly support socially and environmentally responsible endeavors, which led to the organization’s first mission-related investment policy. The Swift Foundation has allocated 30% of its endowment towards Mission Related Investments, which focuses on addressing climate change, enhancing the health of communities globally and supporting biological and cultural diversity. Additionally, the Swift Foundation has implemented a comprehensive list of exclusionary restrictions, which include filters such as non-sustainable timber, the Toxic 100 List, coal, controversial weapons and genetically modified organisms. 

      Mission Related Investing Policy

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