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Responsible Investment Manager


The asset manager is a vendor to the institutional investor, offering an investment product or service. Are the asset manager's business practices and corporate structure aligned with the requirements, priorities and values of the asset owner? 

Does the vendor – the management firm – display responsible business behaviour in areas such as the environment, diversity and benefits offered to employees? Has the manager had any claims or actions related to sexual misconduct (#metoo) or other workplace misbehavior?

ESG Diligence answers these questions across the investment managers in the asset owner's "supply chain", offering new insights across your external manager portfolio.



15% of senior investment teams in Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds are gender balanced.

Source: International Finance Corporation, "Moving Toward Gender Balance in Private Equity and Venture Capital" (2019)

Mentoring programs

High potential women

43% of Investment Association members offer mentoring programs to high potential women within the organization.

Source: The Investment Association, "Closing the Gap - Addressing the Gender Pay Gap" (2019)

Additional Resources


89% of firms will devote additional resources to sustainable investing in the next 1–2 years.

Source: Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing and Bloomberg, "Sustainable Signals: Growth and Opportunity for Asset Managers" (2019)



62% of Investment Association members stated they regularly conducted Equal Pay audits.

Source: The Investment Association, "Closing the Gap - Addressing the Gender Pay Gap" (2019)

Castle Hall’s Responsible Investment Manager ESGDiligence gathers a broad range of ESG data at the management company level, covering nine areas: 

  1. General Information
  2. ESG Investing Profile
  3. Environment: Management Company Policies and Procedures
  4. Social and Governance: Management Company Policies and Procedures
  5. Gender Diversity & Inclusion: Data
  6. Diversity & Inclusion: Policies
  7. Claims & Actions
  8. Vendor Management
  9. Voluntary Disclosure

Castle Hall uses a proprietary questionnaire to gather information from each investment manager and prepares an ESG Diligence report. Each ESG Responsible Investment Manager report outlines key findings, reports the manager's responses, and tabulates analytics across more than 30 individual ESG factors.

White Paper - Responsible Investment Manager

Castle Hall has prepared a detailed white paper outlining the scope and methodology which underpins our ESG Diligence process with respect to the investment manager. Click below to download the Responsible Investment Manager White Paper.

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